Saturday, February 18, 2012

I feel I need to explain!

I took a progress picture of myself yesterday morning and uploaded to my blog.  I had intended to write something about it but the day exploded and customers were everywhere and........well I did not get to write about my progress picture....

Now it just appears that I am egotistical and boastful by just posting a picture of myself.  Sigh..........

What I wanted to say was that I was wearing an X-Large shirt after wearing 3X for many years!  It is my favorite color--purple--and lacy and pretty! 

I am actually starting to feel pretty again!  Who would have thought that!!!!!!!


Rachel said...

no need to explain! looking goood!! xx

Anonymous said...

I was glad to see a pic of you and you look great.

A.J. said...

No need to explain. This is last place you need to worry about that. We have all been there -- you're proud and happy and you have every right to be.

Andrea said...

That's great! Congrats!